[berybanner height="266px" valign="middle" text_color="dark" effect_text="fadeInLeft" hover="zoom" img_src="10830" link="" is_ajax="yes"]</p> <h4>First Aid Kit</h4> <p>[/berybanner]

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Households, Workplaces, etc Should Have First-Aid Kits

Households and workplaces ( workshops , bakeries , building / construction sites , etc ) in Lagos State, Nigeria should have First-aid Kits said Mrs Cecilia Dada ( the State Commissioner for Women Affairs & Poverty Alleviation ).  She stated this amongst other issues at a recent event which was published by The Punch ( […]

Get Cord FirstAid Kits and Hydrogen Peroxide

Benefits of First-Aid Kits FirstAid Kits help save lives, and are essential for everyone and everyplace. Cord FirstAid Kits effectively treat sudden wounds, cuts, sprains, joint pains, etc. Hydrogen peroxide has over 10 benefits/uses Hydrogen peroxide arrest bleeding and disinfects wounds, cuts, and abrasions, etc. Empty Cord firstAid Kits are also available – if you […]

8 Amazing benefits and uses of Hydrogen Peroxide and a Case Report

Hydrogen Peroxide was first identified and isolated by the French Chemist- Louis J Thenard in 1818; and shortly after , its first commercial use was to bleach hats( It is a mild antiseptic and used on the skin as First-Aid to 1. treat and prevent infections of minor cuts, abrasions, burns, etc 2. remove […]